A Case Study on Severe Hypertension


  • Satvik pandey Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, India




Secondary hypertension, Adolescents, CoA


Secondary hypertension has a wide range of causes, and these causes change with age. The most common cause of secondary hypertension in teenagers is Coarctation of the Aorta (CoA), still it's frequently overlooked. Then, we present a case of elevated blood pressure caused by CoA. The case, a manly case aged 17, was brought into our sanitarium due to unbridled high blood pressure. We especially estimated CoA. On the basis of a Thoracic aorta CTA and the rejection of other possible judgments, CoA was determined to be the opinion in this case. The case had a stent implanted while having their blood pressure continuously checked. Depending on the situation, antihypertensive specifics were utilized. After surgery, a little cure of antihypertensive drug might be given to keep blood pressure within normal range. This paper serves as a memorial to keep an eye out for conditions with low prevalence, similar to CoA. According to the case’s typical signs and symptoms, croakers should test for secondary hypertension reasons to help missing the opinion of CoA. Cases admit better care to maximize their advantages. The study has main contributions such as- A significant threat factor for metabolic and cardiovascular diseases is hypertension. Primary hypertension and secondary hypertension are the two types of hypertensions. Compared to original hypertension, secondary hypertension is more dangerous. Here in this study, firstly there is an introduction regarding the case study i.e., of hypertension then there is case presentation which includes two tables about the case. Then comes the discussion of the topic which is explained by the figures. And finally, the conclusion shows that sec-ondary hypertension is more dangerous.


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How to Cite

Satvik pandey. A Case Study on Severe Hypertension. Int. J. Pathol. Drugs [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 5 [cited 2024 Oct. 23];1(1):31-6. Available from: https://pd.a2zjournals.com/index.php/pd/article/view/4




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